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24 de julio de 2006

Conversaciones Graciosas en el mIRC

Pues estaba leyendo Microsiervos y he descubierto la Quote Data Base (QDB). En ella se juntan más de 15 000 citas y conversaciones de gente en salas de chat tipo mIRC que a los usuarios les parecen graciosas y envian a los administradores de la web.
Estas son las que más me han gustado. Tienen algunas geniales.

[sonium] someone speak python here?
[lucky] SSSSS
[sonium] the programming language

[i8b4uunderground] d-_-b
[bonynomore] how u make that inverted b?
[bonynomore] wait
[bonynomore] never mind

[tag] Ouroboros: lets play Pong
[ouroboros] Ok.
[tag] | .
[ouroboros] . |
[tag] | .
[ouroboros] . |
[tag] | .
[ouroboros] | .
[ouroboros] Whoops

[jeebus] the "bishop" came to our church today
[jeebus] he was a fucken impostor
[jeebus] never once moved diagonally

[th3no0b] Im going to be the next hitler
[th3no0b] Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown
[rageagainsttheamish] why the clown
[th3no0b] See? no one cares about the jews
[rageagainsttheamish] lmao

[sui88] 67% of girls are stupid
[v-girl] i belong with the other 13%

*** Quits: TITANIC (Excess Flood)

[mortalkombat] stfu mat|t u cu.nt
* Acaila sets mode: +b MortalKombat!*@*
[@Acaila] FINISH HIM
[mat|t] rofl
[mortalkombat] omg wtf man
* MortalKombat was kicked by Acaila (forward, forward, back, back, forward, punch)
[@Acaila] FATALITY!

[alanna] Saying that Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders

[fireslide] next person to talk after his line will be kicked :)
[fireslide] *this
* Fireslide was kicked by Fireslide (‹61912›)

Vía: Microsiervos

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